Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Eat a Chiquita.com set from Ecuador

The Chiquita Eat a Chiquita.com promo set from Ecuador. It's now available for trade.

It's different because the Ecuador labels are rounded whereas the Costa Rica labels are cornered. Also please compare the yellow border line on both.

Eat a Chiquita.com barcode set from Costa Rica (61)

Eat a Chiquita.com bardcode promo set from Costa Rica. It's available for trade.

Eat a Chiquita.com set from Costa Rica (60)

Eat a Chiquita.com new promo set from Costa Rica.
It's available for trade.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Some nice labels from my collection


The purpose of this blog is to share news about one of my hobbies -collecting banana labels (sometimes also called banana stickers)- and to display the new labels I have for trade.

Este espacio tiene la finalidad de dar a conocer novedades sobre uno de mis pasatiempos -el coleccionismo de etiquetas de banano- al mismo tiempo que mostrar a otros coleccionistas las etiquetas disponibles para intercambio.